Il Golfo di Venetia S.r mio co[n] le Reggioni, Città, lidi, et tutti quei particolari...

Reference: S43560
Author Domenico ZENOI
Year: 1569
Zone: Italy
Measures: 515 x 392 mm

Reference: S43560
Author Domenico ZENOI
Year: 1569
Zone: Italy
Measures: 515 x 392 mm


Etching and engraving, 1567, signed and dated in plate in lower center, in cartouche.

Example in the second state of six described in Bifolco-Ronca, with the date changed to 1569 and the imprint of publisher Donato Bertelli added at lower left: Jn Venetia appresso Donato berteli libraro al segno del S. Marco (cf. Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo p. 1830).

Magnificent proof, richly toned, printed on contemporary laid paper with watermark "shield with tree above three mountains" (cf. Woodward nos. 131-135, found in maps of Bertelli's printing house of the same period), trimmed to copperplate, in excellent condition.

In the lower cartouche: Al Molto & Illustre S.or Abbate ANDREA LIPPOMANI. Il Golfo di Venetia S.r mio co[n] le Reggioni, Città, lidi, et tutti quei particolari, che in esso, et d’intorno ad esso si ritrovano ho voluto ristaurare in questo picciol foglio, et co’l mezo della stampa publicare, aggio[n]gendovi ancora le reggioni piu interne, et la fedele discritio[ne] di tutta Italia con l’atre parti, che in simil carta si co[n]vengono: Et benche sperì, ch’havendo io tratta questa fatica da un p[er]fetto et essemplare in forma gra[n]de dell’ecc.te M. Iacomo Gastaldo, no[n] resti luoco a Calo[n]niatori di biasimarla, no[n] dimeno per assicurarmi d[e]l tutto dalli morsi di questi tali mi sono risoluto, che ve[n]ghi fuora sotto il nome di V.S. Et si come le principal, et piu honorate parti di questa provintia sono Roma, et Venetia, cosi m’è parso bene di dedicarla a Personaggio, che ta[n]to honoratame[n]te participa dell’una, et dell’altra, si per lei medesima come per li maggiori suoi; perche se voremo riguardar l’ famiglia Lippomana, si troveran[n]o no[n] solo molti preclari Senatori, che co[n] estraordinaria prude[n]tia, et co[n] eterna laude s’han[n]o di tempo in tempo adoperato, et s’adoperano in servitio della sua Rep: ma ancora molti Vesc.i, et gra[n] Prelati, liquali per la salita della vita, et per tant’altre sue rare qualità resteran[n]o sempre immortali et per le legationi fate co[n] tanto splendore in servitio della S.ta Sede in Scotia, Polonia, Allemagna, Portogallo per dir le parti piu lontane, oltre molt’altri luoghi si com’è ben noto di V.S. molt’ percio no[n] dirò altro, havendo da dir molte cose, perche seguitando, come fa l’orme de suoi maggiori accrescerà presto gloria al nome suo con arivar à quei alti gradi, che meritano i longhi suoi studij nelle l[o]re, la molta pratica, che à del mo[n]do, et le tante altre degne et preclare co[n]ditioni, et virtu sue, lequalli poss’io piu tosto admirare, che racco[n]tar in questo foglio, però pregandola d accetar gratiss.te, questo mio segno di rivere[n]tia verso di lei, farò fine desidera[n]dole ogni compita felicità. Di Venetia l’anno 1569. Di vostra S. Illustre Humil. S. Domenico Zenoi.

At lower left is the Mile Scale (50 miles = mm 32).  Below the scale the indication of the privilege at print: Con licentia delli Ill.mi S.ri Cap.i, et Privilegio del Senato Venetiano per Anni XV. Orientation with double wind rose in the sea, north being at the top. Graduation at the margins from degree to degree, from 37° 20' to 45° 41' of latitude and from 28° 27' to 44° 8' (27° 30' to 44° 8' at the top) of longitude.

Domenico Zenoi's map is cartographically based on Giacomo Gastaldi's model (1561) to which numerous decorative elements are added in the sea. The format is reduced, the hydrography and settlements remain faithful to the original, while some changes are made in the graduation and more attention is given to the orography, represented by isolated "mole piles" with oronym, a design characteristic of early Renaissance maps. The large, rectangular central cartouche, surmounted by an elaborate decoration with two allegorical figures holding the coat of arms of the Venetian patricians Lippomano, bears a lengthy dedication to Abbot Andrea Lippomani, Prior of the Convent of the Teutonic Knights at Holy Trinity. Although this map depicts the entire Italian peninsula, in the cartouche cited above the territory represented is referred to as Il Golfo Di Venetia, as if to reiterate the authority and hegemony of the Serenissima. The map had numerous reprints, signed by Donato Bertelli. The last two editions (1615 and later) show the plate completely retouched and with numerous additions in the orography in the Western Alps, Apennines and Balkans.

Domenico Zenoi, also known as Domenego Veneziano, was active in Venice as an engraver. In 1566 he applied to the Venetian Senate for a collective privilege to print works of religious subjects, portraits and some maps. Zenoi also engraved prints of mythological and historical subjects. His cartographic output runs roughly from 1559 to 1574 and his maps are generally signed Dominicus Zenoi Venetus excidebat, more rarely Zenoi cum privilegio and Domeneco Venetiano. Zenoi engraved maps after Gastaldi and Sophianus, and worked for Donato and Ferrando Bertelli and for Camocio. He also engraved some maps included in Civitatum aliquot insignorum et locorum magis monitorum exacta delineation cum additione aliquot Insularum principalium edited by Ferrando Bertelli in 1568, and by Donato Bertelli in 1574. In 1568 he was fined 10 ducats by the magistracy of the Esecutori contro la Bestemmia (Executors against Blasphemy) for some obscene sonnets illustrated by pictures, copies of which were found for sale at the store of Camocio, who was fined in turn but only 5 ducats.

Magnificent example of this very rare map of the peninsula; only 3 examples of this edition are surveyed in B/R.


Bifolco-Ronca, Cartografia e topografia italiana del XVI secolo (2018), pp. 1830-1831, tav. 917, II/VI; Almagià (1929): p. 26, A; Bifolco-Ronca (2014): n. 10; Borri (1999): pp. 48-49, n. 41; Borri (2010): pp. 68-69, n. 47, fig. 65; Karrow (1993): n. 30/90.1; Lago (1989): p. 248, n. 94; Lago (1994): p. 170, fig. 8; Lago (2002): p. 285, fig. 282; Tooley (1939): nn. 334-335 & 590.

Domenico ZENOI (Attivo tra il 1559 e il 1574)

Engraver, goldsmith and publisher. Active in Venice and Padua. Fifteen-year privilege granted by the Senate, 5 december 1566 for devotional prints, portraits and maps that he intended to publish. A license was issued to Zenoi on the same day by chiefs of the Council of X. A month later, 11 January 1567, a second license with stipulation that Zenoi required to show each print to the Esecutori contro la bestemmia so that they could check there was no obscenity. 9 september 1568 fined, with Camocio, by the Esecutori for obscene prints and sonnets found in Camocio's shop. His plates were published by, among others, Donato e Ferrando Bertelli, Bolognino Zaltieri, Pierre de Huchin.

Domenico ZENOI (Attivo tra il 1559 e il 1574)

Engraver, goldsmith and publisher. Active in Venice and Padua. Fifteen-year privilege granted by the Senate, 5 december 1566 for devotional prints, portraits and maps that he intended to publish. A license was issued to Zenoi on the same day by chiefs of the Council of X. A month later, 11 January 1567, a second license with stipulation that Zenoi required to show each print to the Esecutori contro la bestemmia so that they could check there was no obscenity. 9 september 1568 fined, with Camocio, by the Esecutori for obscene prints and sonnets found in Camocio's shop. His plates were published by, among others, Donato e Ferrando Bertelli, Bolognino Zaltieri, Pierre de Huchin.