Veduta della Chiesa di S. Pietro di Roma dalla parte di Ponte Molle…

Reference: s12420
Author Balthasar Anton DUNKER
Year: 1776 ca.
Zone: Ponte Milvio
Printed: Rome
Measures: 535 x 395 mm

Reference: s12420
Author Balthasar Anton DUNKER
Year: 1776 ca.
Zone: Ponte Milvio
Printed: Rome
Measures: 535 x 395 mm


Panoramo di Roma da Ponte Milvio, con la cupola di San Pietro.

Acquaforte e bulino, 1776 circa, da un dipinto di Jacob Philip Hackert, datato 1776.

L'opera è edita dal fratello di Hackert, Georg Abraham, che aveva una bottega calcografica in Roma a Piazza di Spagna. Le figure in primo piano sono incise da Giovanni Volpato, come dimostra la scritta in basso a destra "J. Volpato caelum applic. Romae".

Magnifica prova, impressa su carta vergata cova, rifilata al rame, in ottimo stato di conservazione.

Opera non comune.

Balthasar Anton DUNKER (Halle 1746- Berna 1807)

Draughtsman and engraver. b. Saal near Stralsund in Swedish Pomerania. Pupil of Jacob Philipp Hackert, who took him to Paris in 1765, where he was in the circle of Wille and Huquier. While there his parents became bankrupt, and he had to pay his way by selling his drawings and paintings, later taking up etching. 1772 to Basel to work in Mechel studio; to Bern 1773, where began by working for Aberli before setting up for himself. Friend on Freudenberger. Married in 1775, and in 1777 given citizenship in Bern.

Balthasar Anton DUNKER (Halle 1746- Berna 1807)

Draughtsman and engraver. b. Saal near Stralsund in Swedish Pomerania. Pupil of Jacob Philipp Hackert, who took him to Paris in 1765, where he was in the circle of Wille and Huquier. While there his parents became bankrupt, and he had to pay his way by selling his drawings and paintings, later taking up etching. 1772 to Basel to work in Mechel studio; to Bern 1773, where began by working for Aberli before setting up for himself. Friend on Freudenberger. Married in 1775, and in 1777 given citizenship in Bern.