Veduta di San Giovanni e Paolo

Reference: S27204
Author Anonimo
Year: 1799 ca.
Zone: Santi Giovanni e Paolo
Printed: Rome
Measures: - x - mm

Reference: S27204
Author Anonimo
Year: 1799 ca.
Zone: Santi Giovanni e Paolo
Printed: Rome
Measures: - x - mm


Etchings, dating from the late eighteenth century. Magnificent proofs, printed on contemporary laid paper with watermark "flower petal", with margins, in good condition. Unknown to all repertoires that we consulted, these rare works depicting places in Rome are stylistically dated to the last decade of the eighteenth century. The first plate depicts the church of San Giovanni e Paolo, which appeared to be the title of the series; we find the inscription "Views of Rome Designed and Carved by Icaorat." However, we were not able to attribute the works, possibly belonging to a series of more than 5 prints. Works not described.

