The Coliseum at Rome

Reference: S46911
Author William Henry BARTLETT
Year: 1846
Zone: Colosseo
Printed: London
Measures: 360 x 270 mm

Reference: S46911
Author William Henry BARTLETT
Year: 1846
Zone: Colosseo
Printed: London
Measures: 360 x 270 mm


Veduta dell’interno del Colosseo pubblicata nel 1846 a Londra per il "Gems of European Art" di Samuel C. Hall.

Incisa da Ebenezer Challis (1837-1863), da un disegno di William Henry BARTLETT (1809-1854).

Acquaforte, finemente colorata a mano, in ottimo stato di conservazione.

William Henry BARTLETT Londra 1809 - Malta 1854

English draughtsman, active also in the Near East, Continental Europe and North America. He was a prolific artist and an intrepid traveller. His work became widely known through numerous engravings after his drawings published in his own and other writers’ topographical books. His primary concern was to extract the picturesque aspects of a place and by means of established pictorial conventions to render ‘lively impressions of actual sights’, as he wrote in the preface to The Nile Boat (London, 1849).

William Henry BARTLETT Londra 1809 - Malta 1854

English draughtsman, active also in the Near East, Continental Europe and North America. He was a prolific artist and an intrepid traveller. His work became widely known through numerous engravings after his drawings published in his own and other writers’ topographical books. His primary concern was to extract the picturesque aspects of a place and by means of established pictorial conventions to render ‘lively impressions of actual sights’, as he wrote in the preface to The Nile Boat (London, 1849).