Benedetto e Bartolomeo Montagna e i grandi maestri dell'incisione europea del Cinquecento

Reference: S0035
Author Federica Morello

Reference: S0035
Author Federica Morello


The exhibition in Caldogno (Villa Caldogno 24 April-30 May 2004) brought together a discrete number of prints by Benedetto Montagna (11), equally divided between devotional subjects and secular themes, making it possible to verify the evolutionary lines of his formal path on a well-selected sample representative of his entire career. The catalogue, edited by Federica Morello, provides a quick summary of the data acquired at philological level, proposing some hypotheses of new dates for a further comparison with the work of Bartolomeo, of which three drawings are presented, not entirely free from chronological and attribution problems: the Saint John the Baptist of the Ambrosiana, which the author reassigns to the painter, a Saint Martyr and the Saint Sebastian and another saint, both preserved in the Marucelliana Library in Florence. In addition to Benedetto's prints, there are five engravings by Dürer and five by Luca di Leyda, testifying to the influence exerted by the transalpine masters on the production of the artist from Vicenza and, more generally, on Veneto figurative culture at the beginning of the 16th century.

Catalogue published by Art Media s.r.l. in 2004.

Paperback, 103 pages with illustrations.

Federica Morello

Federica Morello