Panorama di Roma veduta dalla Torre del Campidoglio

Reference: 4392
Author Ippolito CAFFI
Year: 1839
Zone: Rome
Printed: Venice
Measures: 1450 x 145 mm

Reference: 4392
Author Ippolito CAFFI
Year: 1839
Zone: Rome
Printed: Venice
Measures: 1450 x 145 mm


Lithograph, 1839, signed and dated on lower right and left.

Beautiful work, printed on four sheets of contemporary paper - joined together - light oxidations otherwise in excellent condition.

This panorama is ideally seen from the tower of the Campidoglio, rotating towards the right side of 360 degrees, starting from the Pincio and ending in Piazza del Popolo.

The work has been printed by the Kier lithography in Venice; on lower margin it bears 69 numbers. The setting of the view recalls that of an XVIII century painter, according to the definition that Caffi himself, at the age of thirty, gave of his art: “perspective painter”. In his biography of the artist, written on the occasion of the 1959 exhibition, Emilio Re defined this subject “rare”.

Bibliografia: Vedute Romane, pp. 13, 50, n. 74; Roma Veduta, p. 221, 67; Le piante di Roma nelle collezioni private, p. 344, 276. Dimensioni 1450x145.


Vedute Romane, pp. 13, 50, n. 74; M. Gori Sassoli (a cura di), "Roma Veduta", p. 221, s. 67; C. Marigliani, "Le Piante di Roma delle collezioni private", tav. 276.

Ippolito CAFFI (Belluno 1809 – Lissa 1866)

ppolito Caffi was an Italian painter of architectural subjects and seascapes or urban vedute. He was born at Belluno. His first work was produced at the Accademia in Venice. He subsequently moved to Rome, made some reputation by his treatise on perspective, as well as by his investigations on Roman archaeology. In 1843 he visited Greece and the East. The first work of his that created a sensation was Carnival at Venice. This was exhibited at Paris in 1846, and was admired for its brilliant effects of light. Other works are his Panorama of Rome from Monte Mario, Isthmus of Suez, and Close of the Carnival at Rome. He joined revolutionary movements in Venice in 1848, and had to retire into Piedmont. His aim of commemorating in paint the first Italian naval engagement was frustrated when the Rè d Italia, on which he traveled was destroyed at Lissa, drowning him along with his comrades.


Vedute Romane, pp. 13, 50, n. 74; M. Gori Sassoli (a cura di), "Roma Veduta", p. 221, s. 67; C. Marigliani, "Le Piante di Roma delle collezioni private", tav. 276.

Ippolito CAFFI (Belluno 1809 – Lissa 1866)

ppolito Caffi was an Italian painter of architectural subjects and seascapes or urban vedute. He was born at Belluno. His first work was produced at the Accademia in Venice. He subsequently moved to Rome, made some reputation by his treatise on perspective, as well as by his investigations on Roman archaeology. In 1843 he visited Greece and the East. The first work of his that created a sensation was Carnival at Venice. This was exhibited at Paris in 1846, and was admired for its brilliant effects of light. Other works are his Panorama of Rome from Monte Mario, Isthmus of Suez, and Close of the Carnival at Rome. He joined revolutionary movements in Venice in 1848, and had to retire into Piedmont. His aim of commemorating in paint the first Italian naval engagement was frustrated when the Rè d Italia, on which he traveled was destroyed at Lissa, drowning him along with his comrades.