Latium Seu Territorium Romae

Reference: CO-574
Author Francesco SCOTO
Year: 1654 ca.
Zone: Lazio
Printed: Padua
Measures: 175 x 135 mm

Reference: CO-574
Author Francesco SCOTO
Year: 1654 ca.
Zone: Lazio
Printed: Padua
Measures: 175 x 135 mm


Carta geografica della regione, tratta dall'Itinerario d'Italia di Francesco Scoto, edito da Matteo Cadorin, il cui nome si legge in basso a destra "In Padova per Matteo Cadorin.

Si tratta di una tarda derivazione - in forma ridotta - della carta della Campagna di Roma di Eufrosino della Volpaia.

Matteo Cadorin, chiamato il “Bolzetta” essendosi imparentato con la famiglia di Francesco Bolzetta, pubblicò diverse edizioni dell'Itinerario, ad iniziare dal 1654.

Proseguì, sempre stampando a Padova, nel 1659 con almeno due edizioni distinte, quindi nel 1669 e nel 1670, quest'ultima pubblicazione ha un apparato iconografico più ricco delle altre e nelle lastre fu aggiunto “In Padova per Matteo Cadorin”.

Acquaforte, traccia della piega editoriale al centro, sporadiche fioriture in generale in buono stato di conservazione.

Francesco SCOTO (1548 - 1622)

Franz Schott, Italianate as Francis Scot, was a native of Antwerp. Jurist and a great traveler, brother of the famous Andreas, a Jesuit philologist and antiquarian, wrote "Itinerario overo decrittione de' viaggi principali in Italia". The work appeared for the first time, written in Latin, in Antwerp in 1600 (Itinerarium Italiae), on the occasion of the Jubilee, to be used by pilgrims on their way to Italy. The work was subsequently published in numerous editions in Latin, Italian, French and English. The Itinerary of Italy Schott is the expression of a particular form of travel writing that, in the multiplicity and diversity of its manifestations, embraces all those texts that take on the character guide for the trip and offer as a tool aimed at guiding the traveler in its path.

Francesco SCOTO (1548 - 1622)

Franz Schott, Italianate as Francis Scot, was a native of Antwerp. Jurist and a great traveler, brother of the famous Andreas, a Jesuit philologist and antiquarian, wrote "Itinerario overo decrittione de' viaggi principali in Italia". The work appeared for the first time, written in Latin, in Antwerp in 1600 (Itinerarium Italiae), on the occasion of the Jubilee, to be used by pilgrims on their way to Italy. The work was subsequently published in numerous editions in Latin, Italian, French and English. The Itinerary of Italy Schott is the expression of a particular form of travel writing that, in the multiplicity and diversity of its manifestations, embraces all those texts that take on the character guide for the trip and offer as a tool aimed at guiding the traveler in its path.