Walls on the via di Casciano near Tivoli

Reference: s21941
Author Edward DODWELL
Year: 1834 ca.
Zone: Monte Casciano
Printed: London
Measures: 410 x 260 mm

Reference: s21941
Author Edward DODWELL
Year: 1834 ca.
Zone: Monte Casciano
Printed: London
Measures: 410 x 260 mm


Veduta della serie "Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic Remains in Greece and Italy...", pubblicato a Londra, Adolphus Richter and Co., nel 1834.

L'opera comprende 131 litografie, stampate da Charles Joseph Hullmandel, da disegni originali di Dodwell durante il suo tour in Grecia e in Italia, compiuto negli anni 1801, 1805 e 1806 .

La serie è dedicata alle mura in opera poligonale, che sono tra le architetture forse più sorprendenti dell’antichità.
Realizzate senza l’aiuto di leganti con massi di dimensioni non di rado enormi, per cui nel passato si meritarono l’appellativo di ciclopee o ciclopiche. La serie è dedicata alle mura poligonali.

Litografia, in ottimo stato di conservazione.

Edward DODWELL (Dublino, 1767 – Roma, 14 maggio 1832)

Was an Irish painter, traveller and a writer on archaeology. Painting of the bazaar at Athens, by Dodwell. "West Front of the Parthenon", Views in Greece, London 1821Dodwell was born in Ireland and belonged to the same family as Henry Dodwell, the theologian, and was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Dodwell travelled from 1801 to 1806 in Greece, which was then a part of the Ottoman Empire, and spent the rest of his life for the most part in Italy, at Naples, and Rome. He died at Rome from the effects of an illness contracted in 1830 during a visit of exploration to the Sabine Mountains. Dodwell's widow, a daughter of Count Giraud, thirty years his junior, subsequently became famous as the "beautiful" countess of Spaur, and played a considerable role in the political life of the papal city. Dodwell published A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece (1819), of which a German translation appeared in 1821; Views in Greece, with thirty colored plates (1821); and Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic Remains in Italy and Greece (London and Paris, with French text, 1834).

Edward DODWELL (Dublino, 1767 – Roma, 14 maggio 1832)

Was an Irish painter, traveller and a writer on archaeology. Painting of the bazaar at Athens, by Dodwell. "West Front of the Parthenon", Views in Greece, London 1821Dodwell was born in Ireland and belonged to the same family as Henry Dodwell, the theologian, and was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Dodwell travelled from 1801 to 1806 in Greece, which was then a part of the Ottoman Empire, and spent the rest of his life for the most part in Italy, at Naples, and Rome. He died at Rome from the effects of an illness contracted in 1830 during a visit of exploration to the Sabine Mountains. Dodwell's widow, a daughter of Count Giraud, thirty years his junior, subsequently became famous as the "beautiful" countess of Spaur, and played a considerable role in the political life of the papal city. Dodwell published A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece (1819), of which a German translation appeared in 1821; Views in Greece, with thirty colored plates (1821); and Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic Remains in Italy and Greece (London and Paris, with French text, 1834).