Costume di Subiaco

Reference: s19483
Author Filippo FERRARI
Year: 1835 ca.
Zone: Subiaco
Printed: Rome
Measures: 135 x 195 mm

Reference: s19483
Author Filippo FERRARI
Year: 1835 ca.
Zone: Subiaco
Printed: Rome
Measures: 135 x 195 mm


Popular costume from the famous Nuova Raccolta di Costumi di Roma e d'altri Paesi dello Stato Pontificio, circa 1835.

Filippo Ferrari (Rome February 25, 1814 - January 30, 1897), sculptor and engraver who, a Carbonaro and Republican, participated in the defense of the Roman Republic. Ferrari had followed the legal studies and then began his artistic career as an engraver and sculptor under the guidance of a paternal uncle. Author of Costumi ecclesiastici civili e militari della corte di Roma disegnati all' acquaforte da Filippo Ferrari published by Luigi Nicoletti (1823), and of Raccolta di quindici costumi dello Stato Romano disegnati ed incisi all'acquaforte da Filippo Ferrari (1826). He was the father of the famous Ettore Ferrari, also a painter and sculptor, an active politician of the Democratic Left. 

Copper engraving, finely watercolored, in excellent condition.

Filippo FERRARI (1819 - 1897)

Engraver and watercolourist, is the athor of "Costumi di Roma e di altri paesi dello Stato Pontificio (Rome, 1835). This edition also included the set "Raccolta di quindici costumi dello Stato Romano" published in 1826. In 1841 was issued the work "Nuova raccolta di Costumi di Roma…" with customs of Rome, Velletri, Albano, Castel Madama, Frascati, Tivoli and other centers of the Roman Campain.

Filippo FERRARI (1819 - 1897)

Engraver and watercolourist, is the athor of "Costumi di Roma e di altri paesi dello Stato Pontificio (Rome, 1835). This edition also included the set "Raccolta di quindici costumi dello Stato Romano" published in 1826. In 1841 was issued the work "Nuova raccolta di Costumi di Roma…" with customs of Rome, Velletri, Albano, Castel Madama, Frascati, Tivoli and other centers of the Roman Campain.