Veduta della gran Piazza Navona, ove era anticamente il famoso Circo Agonale... / Vue de la grande Place Navone...

Reference: S44330
Author Pietro RUGA
Year: 1799
Zone: Piazza Navona
Printed: Rome
Measures: 480 x 365 mm

Reference: S44330
Author Pietro RUGA
Year: 1799
Zone: Piazza Navona
Printed: Rome
Measures: 480 x 365 mm


Nice large view , from “Nuova Raccolta delle principali vedute antiche e moderne dell’alma città di Roma e sue vicinane…” published in Roma by Agapito Franzetti around 1800.

The plates was engraved by Pietro Ruga, Giovanni Acquaroni, Pietro Parboni e Domenico Pronti.

All plates bear the engraver’s name, the editor’s address and captions in Italian and French.

Etching, in very good condition.

Pietro RUGA (1772-1824)

Was an Italian engraver, best known for his architectural views (vedute) of Roman monuments, churches and squares. He also was a draughtsman of a few maps of Rome during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, including Pianta topografica della città di Roma dell' anno 1849. Among the subjects of his engravings are the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Peter's Basilica, Basilica of Santo Stefano Rotondo, Piazza Navona and Piazza del Quirinale. Collaborated on the "Nuova raccolta di cento principali vedute di Roma e sue vicinanze" by Piale, along with John Acquaroni, Parboni Pietro and Francesco Rinaldi.

Pietro RUGA (1772-1824)

Was an Italian engraver, best known for his architectural views (vedute) of Roman monuments, churches and squares. He also was a draughtsman of a few maps of Rome during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, including Pianta topografica della città di Roma dell' anno 1849. Among the subjects of his engravings are the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Peter's Basilica, Basilica of Santo Stefano Rotondo, Piazza Navona and Piazza del Quirinale. Collaborated on the "Nuova raccolta di cento principali vedute di Roma e sue vicinanze" by Piale, along with John Acquaroni, Parboni Pietro and Francesco Rinaldi.