Die Statt Rom

Reference: S38967
Author Abraham SAUR
Year: 1587 ca.
Zone: Rome
Printed: Frankfurt
Measures: 90 x 135 mm

Reference: S38967
Author Abraham SAUR
Year: 1587 ca.
Zone: Rome
Printed: Frankfurt
Measures: 90 x 135 mm


Archaeological plan of Rome, based on Pirro Ligorio's model, taken from Abraham Saur's rare work “Theatrum urbium” here in the German edition under the title Stätte-Buch: Oder Ausführliche und auß vielen bewehrten alten und neuen Scribenten. At the top is an indication of the author “Abraham Saurs” replaced in the back by the title of the work “Stätte-Buch”.

The Frankfurt publisher Nikolaus Basse produced a “Stätte-Buch” with German text by Abraham Saur in 1587 and, given its great success, designed the present Latin edition for wider distribution, for which Adrian van Roomen (lat. Romanus, 1561-1615, professor of medicine and mathematics in Leuven and Würzburg) wrote the text. The 67 city views and plans show mainly German cities, but also Portugal, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy, Constantinople, and Jerusalem (the latter full-page). The first three parts cover Europe, Asia and Africa. Especially interesting is the fourth part, which deals with the Americas, Nova France, Florida, Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, Civola, Yucatan, Fundura, Cuba, Borichen, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Cartagena, Brazil, Peru, etc.

“Piccola, graziosa pianta di Roma antica avulsa dall'opera Theatrum Vrbium, come si legge in alto fuori dal riquadro, ma di cui non si riesce a risalire all'edizione; il titolo della silografia in caratteri gotici è disposto verticalmente lungo il margine sinistro. […] La città è delineata verticalmente, il nord a sinistra, in alto i due recinti del Castro Pretorio e del presunto 'Vivarium' (secondo l'indicazione ligoriana, poi superata, del 1553), in basso la cinta trasteverina del Gianicolo. Non ci sono toponimi ma la localizzazione di parecchi monumenti è abbastanza agevole; da notare l'assenza dell'Isola Tiberina. La piantina si raccomanda per un primato, quello di essere la più piccola derivazione della famosa grande Anteiquae Vrbis Imago di Pirro Ligorio (1561)” (cfr. Caldana, Roma Antica, p. 80).

Woodcut, finely hand-colored, in excellent condition. Rare.


Alberto Caldana, Roma Antica, p. 80, n. 1.11; Adams R 694; Alden 608/145; Borba de Moraes 747; Fauser LXIV; Sabin 73000.

Abraham SAUR (1545 - 1593)

Abraham Saur, a German lawyer and historian, born 1545 in Frankenberg. He was author of several legal book, but also of the city book "Theatrum Urbium". He died in 1593.

Abraham SAUR (1545 - 1593)

Abraham Saur, a German lawyer and historian, born 1545 in Frankenberg. He was author of several legal book, but also of the city book "Theatrum Urbium". He died in 1593.